Pricing Fuzeon - Cost of Innovation?
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG121
Case Length : 28 Pages
Period : 1990 - 2006
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note : Available
Organization : Trimeris Inc. and Roche
Industry : Pharmaceutical and Healthcare
Countries : USA, Europe
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Introduction Contd...
It was estimated that by 2005, Fuzeon's sales would grow to around US$ 480 million. Analysts also estimated that Roche could make a profit in three years as against the industry average of 16 years for a new drug.14 But at the end of 2005, Fuzeon had annual sales of only US$ 208.2 million, much lower than the forecasts. Analysts believed that Fuzeon's pricing, coupled with its drug delivery system15 was to blame.
Background Note
In 1990, Dr. Dani Bolognesi (Bolognesi) and Dr. Tom Matthews (Matthews), who were leading research teams searching for potential HIV vaccines at Duke University Medical Center,16 discovered that a molecule derived from a portion of the HIV virus was capable of blocking reproduction of the virus. This molecule, T-20 (Enfuvirtide), now marketed as Fuzeon, was successful in stopping the virus from fusing with the immune cells17 of the host. In 1993, Bolognesi and Matthews established Trimeris in Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A, with a vision of creating a biopharmaceutical company based on fusion inhibitor technology.18
Bolognesi and Matthews also received the US patent for the T-20 structure and composition in 1990 after which laboratory and animal studies of T-20 were started. Phase I clinical trials of T-20 began in 1996. The following year, Trimeris launched its initial public offering.
In 1998, the Phase II clinical trials19 of T-20 were started. In 1999, Trimeris presented the results of the first T-20 dose ranging phase I/II study at the 6th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections20 in Chicago, U.S.A. Impressed by the presentation, David Reddy (Reddy), HIV Head of Roche, arranged a meeting with representatives from Trimeris.
In the same year, Trimeris and Roche formed a collaboration to develop and commercialize T-20 and T-1249 (another fusion inhibitor) on a global scale. Roche, headquartered at Basel, Switzerland, is a global healthcare company which operates worldwide under two divisions: pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. |
It belongs to the Roche Holding AG. Roche was founded by Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche in 1896. In 2005, its sales from continuing business was CHF21 35,511 million., Roche had a global market share of 3.4% based on the company's sales for the 12 months ending June 2005 According to IMS MIDAS Quantum.22 (Refer to Exhibit I for Roche's Three-Year Financial Summary)...
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